We have 4 workrooms that accommodate about 25 people.
- Open desks
The shared open desk room has 7 communal desks. Bring your stuff with you and grab a desk. You can also store your things in cubbies in the hall. $162 a month. - Personal desks
We have 3 semi-private offices with personal desks. You and your officemates can set things up however you want — with your own desks, chairs, plants, and what-have-you. $244 per month.
Jeez, so many.
- 24-hour access to the building — write whenever you want to write
- Access to kitchen with fridge, microwave, water dispenser, coffee, and top-shelf snacks
- Wifi, printer, copier, and spare chargers (for when you forget yours)
- Right in the center of Florence — get lunch at Tandem Bagel, Uya Poke Bowl, Pie Bar, or Miss Flo’s and a drink after work at Drawing Board Brewery or J.J.’s Tavern
- Membership in the oldest co-working space in the Valley (we’re pretty sure)
Not very many. Members work together to keep things running, so we all get some sort of job. Some serve on the Mill’s steering committee, which makes basic decisions about how the Mill operates. With any bigger decisions, all members vote.
Hands down, our most frequently asked question
- Can I make phone or video calls? In the open desk room, no. If you have a personal desk — and officemates who don’t mind — you can make short calls as long as they don’t disturb anyone else.